Our Model
Students often lack the information they need to find universities that are a good fit.
Meto has reimagined this process:
What if students were approached by good‑fit universities?

Our Model

Meto collects information from students
In collaboration with high schools, nonprofits, and ministries of education, Meto shares its online Student Information Form with students across the world, asking students for academic, financial, and extracurricular information.

Meto cleans the data
Meto cleans, clarifies, and contextualizes the student information submitted by students into data that universities can quickly search and easily understand.

Meto shares the data with universities around the world
Meto shares the data with a diverse array of universities — from the most selective to the least — located from Ghana to Canada to the US to Japan to the UK to Australia, and beyond.

Universities select students they want to contact & Meto puts the two parties in touch
Universities know best what makes an applicant competitive, and Meto’s searchable database helps them identify and connect with the students who fit institutional recruitment priorities.

Students apply, are admitted, and enroll
When a student is approached by a university through Meto, she knows that it is already a preliminary academic, financial, and extracurricular match. She is left with a simple decision: is this university a good fit for me as a person? If so, she applies. If admitted, she can enroll and begin classes.

New scholarships generated
Meto charges universities for access to the database; a portion of all earned revenue contributes to the creation of new scholarships for low‑income students. Meto finds, interviews, and selects recipients for these scholarships, guides them through the application process, and supports them once on campus.
It is a virtuous cycle: the more that students and universities benefit from Meto’s service, the more low-income students receive the full scholarships they need.
A virtuous cycle of impact
Meto’s innovative model is already benefiting students across the world.